Thursday, September 3, 2009

Annoying teachers

I just don't understand why some teachers are simply just SO ANNOYING. They can't just keep things to themselves and were very 'K-PO'. Why must she so KPO go bother other people's family matters. Well, education is education. Family is family. Why must this teacher go psyco mine and my friend's parents reporting everything?

Not only that, her teaching skills toatlly sux to the core. Nobody bothered to listen to her when she's teaching. She loves nagging, becoming sudden crazy attitude, ask people to sweep the floor and lastly, write her an apology note.

This teacher that i'm referring to, she makes us all into trouble, giving quarrels after quarrels with my family member, and friends. especially my mum. Maybe she have not tried people complaining all about her.

I remembered one of my PE Teacher said to the whole class: Log on to the ITE Portal and write comments about our teacher. He also say that, you can write anything about your own teacher. Which is also the best time to hit your teacher.

Therefore, I log on to the ITE Portal, and followed the instructions. I suceeded in submitting this comment to the website. Hoping that this mess would be solved.

I really want to teach this teacher a good lesson. The lesson is all about not to be too busybody of other people's staff.